Requests & Commissions

In June, 2018 I received a lovely message from a bride-to-be named Eva asking if it might be possible to add a violin part to my solo piano Wedding Version of 'Perfect'. Eva informed me that she plays the violin and her fiancé Dion plays the piano and they had the beautiful idea that they could play a duet together at their wedding to surprise their guests! One of the first things they would do as husband and wife would be to play music together.

I loved this idea so much that I couldn't resist creating an entirely new version for them. I sent the notes to them in October so that they could secretly start to practice together and be ready for the big day in March 2019. I also recorded the new version for my YouTube Channel (together with my incredible friend Neela on violin) but promised not to release it before their wedding as I didn't want to ruin their wonderful surprise. And look! Here they are! They were nervous but they did it - and everyone who was there will always remember it!

Eva & Dion - may your home together always be filled with joy and music!

eva dion 1.jpg
eva alone.jpg
eva dion 2.jpg

If you would like to request or commission a Custom Wedding Version of your favourite song, please contact me through the form on this website. Don’t worry - I don’t expect you to learn to play it yourself like Eva and Dion did - no pressure - but if you play the tuba and your fiancé plays the flute then please get in touch - I love a challenge!

What’s the difference between a request and a commission?

• Requesting a song simply means that you suggest your wish or idea to me - If I also like the song there is a very good chance that I’ll do it - especially if I have the date of your wedding in mind - but there is no guarantee - I already have such a long list of songs on my noticeboard and many requests to consider.

• A commission means that you pay me a fee for the work involved in arranging and recording the Wedding Version of your song - this ensures that it will be ready well before your wedding.

Prices are as follows:


    • Arrangement & Recording of a Custom Piano Wedding Version (MP3) - $290 US

    • Additional Instrumentalist (Violin, Cello, Flute, Trumpet etc) - $250 US each

    • Arrangement & Production of Sheet Music - add $100 US

    To find out more please write me an email to or simply click Contact below.

What if I’m not getting married? Can I request a song for a birthday or just because I love it?

Absolutely! Please get in touch.


Curious to hear the Wedding Version of “Perfect” for Violin & Piano which I created for Eva & Dion?

Here it is performed by my dear friend Neela de Fonseka on violin and myself on piano.